Rafael Torres Rosas

Rafael Torres Rosas

Nombre: Dr. Rafael Torres Rosas.
PRODEP: Perfil Deseable.
Nivel en el SNI: Nivel Candidato.
Facultad de odontología UABJO. 
Email : drtorres1981@hotmail.com

Publicaciones recientes:

  1. Albino Villegas-Bastida, Rafael Torres-Rosas, Lourdes Andrea Arriaga Pizano, Javier Flores Estrada, Altamirano Gustavo Acosta, and Mario Adan Moreno Eutimio. Electrical Stimulation at the ST36 Acupoint Protects against Sepsis Lethality and Reduces Serum TNF Levels through Vagus Nerve and Catecholamine Dependent Mechanisms Evid Based Complement. Alternat Med. 2014;2014:451674. doi: 10.1155/2014/451674. Epub 2014 Jun 26.

  2. Torres-Rosas R, Yehia G, Peña G, Mishra P, Del Rocio Thompson-Bonilla M, Moreno-Eutimio MA, Arriaga-Pizano LA, Isibasi A, Ulloa L “Dopamine mediates vagal modulation of the immune system by electroacupuncture” Nat Med. 2014 Feb 23. doi: 10.1038/nm.3479.


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